
There Is No End

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The colors of life- A RAINBOW

Oh! Nissan, the colours form the rainbow, colours- a part of this mysterious they are, like the seven of the brinjal, the other deep as sky, the ocean comes after nicely, the leaves surely comes above it, and then it grows old, then comes the colour that flows inside you, the blood, but the saints of India come under it...
It’s a painting, a beautiful one, painted by the heavens even now, to console us that the world is still being watched.
Who said you can’t see? Colours don’t need eyes, it needs feel. Forbid those who say you see only black, as I know you can see all colours, rainbow is just a part.

Rainbow is all within you. It’s a magic, it’s a sign of a good dream knocking your soul, it’s our lives being pictured in the skies, to remind us we still live whatever may come and go, the colours as they name it, are nothing but elements of our lives, they don’t need a view from the eyes but the heart, they need a sense of infinite perception, and an arousing touch...
White got the right to be the mother of the seven colours, it creates them, it’s the atrocity your mother was reluctant to wear, and it’s the divinity the lovely moon enjoys. It covers the sky when the light pierces the dews; it’s the purity every politician fears but still wraps it.

The sign of fire, it forms the upper layer, like the engine of a train, whose whistle wakes you up every dawn. Have you ever got angry? Have you ever had burst in rage? Yes you did I remember, when you do, it turns red, it’s one of the rainbow, it’s the one which burned your little finger once, and it’s the one which made you cry, when you fell down and thought your knee is melting. It is the sun, and the skies love to wear it every dawn. It was red, it is red.
 You remember, when your beloved mother used to get you those pulpy fruits from the market, the way you savored them, ever imagined?  Ever thought that it could support your anger? Support it by nicely coming under.  It was orange and ever will be. You can call her the sister of red, they are born together, and they are somehow parallel, somehow related.

When I had jaundice, I suffered horribly, my face and my whole body turned pale, I turned yellow; you would touch me and say I am not well, say I have turned fragile. Now if you could make me lie beneath the oranges, I could turn beautiful, I form the third layer, I form a part, and I am yellow. The juice you had this morning, it’s made of the fruit which I once smashed on your head, and it flowed down nicely onto your lips, you told it was sweet, it tasted like heaven, Nissan, it was of yellow, it was all yellow. It's the dead leaf, which waits to get merged with the earth. It's the flower, the rose, the aroma Misha once gifted you, saying she is with you forever.
 Green comes then sweetly, bewildered? It gives us life, it gives us air, it is a colour, and it is green. It is the identity of all the non speaking leaves, when they are young. It comes after yellow, it tells her not to forget that she was once green.  It’s the one which you feel when you walk on the grassland every morning. It’s the one that suffers the most now Nissan, it’s the one dying; it’s an angel with half burned wings...

Taste the sea and you would feel salt, close your eyes and you could see blue, the colour born cool, and the colour, which the sky reflects, which the birds feel when they fly. Blue succeeds yellow, just like a sunflower being thrown away in the sea, hoping a dolphin would grab it, so as to keep her from extinction. Kiss the pigeon next time and it could tell you how blue is, it could tell you that the moon, the breeze exactly feels blue, feels cool when she makes her young ones sleep in the nest every night...
Then Blue gives birth to a child, she would be named Indigo. She is born bold and lovely; just like her mother. In the rainbow, she nicely seats on her lap, and blue adores her, and tells her not to grow on earth, so as to stop the Indians being browbeaten by the Englishmen.
Violet, tells them not to leave her alone, she would love to bear the seven colours, and she would recreate the beauty of the illusion called rainbow, and she makes it shine. She could be found anywhere, from the brinjal farm to the deepest of imagination.

Life is a blend of colours Nissan, and so is the rainbow; a sign of life in the sky. It comes and goes without notice, it gives joy, it clears pain, it tells you what you are, its everything you are made of, it’s an aroma, it’s hope, it’s struggle, it’s success, it’s a drop of tear, it’s the stretch of your lips, it’s everything that is around you Nissan, it's a feeling, a sensation, an illusion. It’s the enchantment everyone hopes for, in their lives. A bit of rainbow in life and it's all set. You just need to see them with your heart Nissan...and I know you can see it... I know.

-        SHOUVIK rryan ROY

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